Thursday, October 8, 2009

Badness on the Web - a quickie

What is awesome? We here at the StA Research Laboratories spend a frightening amount of time devoted to just that question. This week we have found some genuinely good things, and some bad too- this ain't the worst, but dang, its bad.

Lots of things, are confusing about this submission, the weapons-use is deplorably sloppy and the taijutsu techniques are almost adequate (not spectacularly made of suck but not complete fraud level either). So what, you may be asking, does make it rise to the level of 'Awesomely bad'? Well, this one has a couple of things going for it:
1) Aikido (yes, I just linked to Wiki... if you don't like it- suck it, orphan!tm) experienced lots of changes over Ueshiba Morihei Sensei's teaching career, and while he was a certified bad-ass, especially in the 1930's (before his revelatory experience or, er... 'golden shower' in the garden), folks came to him to learn how to fight. Even so, it was never branded 'combat' anything. Why? Because... that would have been/is fricken stoopid. Yoshinkan doesn't call it that... nuff said.
2) The brain-hurting cognitive dissonance delivered by each of these words with the next, let alone the whole phrase: Christian Combat Aikido.
3) The capper- you can receive a 'black belt' for just a $79 video. Examinations (submitted via DVD) then cost $500, unless you meet some requirements in which case it'll be just a hair under half that... go team.

So where can you learn all of this and more? Please to be in following of this link and take the next step in evoluti... er, natural design.

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