Thursday, November 5, 2009

Some (pre) Holiday cheer- Turkish Star Wars

After a rough couple of months, what is the ideal way to kick back, relax and de-stress? Well, there is only one right answer: Find something awful to watch. Not just 'bad', not, 'that's 2 hours I'm never gonna get back', but so bad that it is painful, while oddly compelling... If you are like me, combine it with Star Wars (not the prequel trilogy, making fun of those are like shooting fish in a barrel) and you have something more awesome than even the "Star Wars Holiday Special" (you're welcome, by the way, for that link).

Hmm, but what will take it to the next level? What can we do to make... aha! StA Labstm were almost destroyed by this one (and, it is also available for free on the interwebs... damn yo, two for two).

A note of preparation:
Er... when a man and a woman love each other very mu... nope, not that one... there really just isn't any preparation that can be done... just feast your eyes unto the production known as, "The Man Who Saves the World (or, Turkish Star Wars)."

At various points you may find yourself asking, 'how can they have crammed so much spectacle into only one film?!?!', or, 'how can we (me mates) make a movie so filled with the good?' I say, leave it to the professionals- this level of cobbling together disparate elements, musical scores from all over the place, and a 'plot' that is certainly... something, don't even try to make art like this... it'll just end in tears (film that though). Enjoy the show.

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