Thursday, January 28, 2010

Badness on the Web - #5

Not content to leave just one example of awful music videos, here is the queen of bad:

Florence Foster Jenkins performing Queen of the Night (from Mozart's the Magic Flute). Self-promotion/delusion coupled with an inheritance = FFJ. Inimitable indeed. As a baby and young child my parents owned, "The Glory Of The Human Voice" on vinyl... that, whippersnappers, was when we used to listen to (rather than scratching-up) our records. At any rate, growing up on the rocky outcroppings of Mount Stremp, selling religious icons to pilgrims by day, being lulled to sleep by the dulcet tones of FFJ by nigh... wait a minute- it's all starting to make sense now... no wonder the Eigo family is so... interesting...

For a more modern flair, this strain of, 'Self-invented Performer' can be seen lots today (due to the democratization of technology allowing anyone with access to reach a mass audience in ways inconceivable only decades ago- there is no way that this blog would exist if it were in print, or any other media... just too expensive; here though, we inconvenience some electrons and bingo) sometimes, this produces greatness and exposes us to heretofore unknown talents (like Tay Zonday... don't hate). Then again, there's this:
Jan Terri. To be fair, she... um... videos...? Long time ago? [cricket] alrighty then-
Jan Terri on Youtube. If I may suggest- Losing You as an hors d' oeuvre, perhaps a lovely Rock and Roll Santa for the entree, and for dessert, you probably want to sample the Journey to Mars.

So, are these cautionary tales of aspiring performers whose reach simply exceeds their grasp, or something more? What does it say about us? Is schedenfreude the only reason to find performers of this caliber intriguing? That dear readers must be left to you to decide...

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